
Microsoft-Word 2007 Study Material Day-Fourteen

Reference Tab :

Table of contents group (TOC) : Table of contents is to utilize the heading styles that you want to include in the table of contents.

Steps :
Creating  the Heading 1
  • Type of Heading Text(Required Text ) and select text.
  • Click  on Home Tab
  • Click on Styles Group
  • Click on Heading 1
  • Type the Heading Body Text.
Creating  the Heading 2
  • Type of Heading Text(Required Text ) and select text.
  • Click  on Home Tab
  • Click on Styles Group
  • Click on Heading 2
  • Type the Heading Body Text.
Creating  the Heading 3
  • Type of Heading Text(Required Text ) and select text.
  • Click  on Home Tab
  • Click on Styles Group
  • Click on Heading 3
  • Type the Heading Body Text.

  • Click on References Tab
  • Choose the Table of Contents(TOC)  Group
  • Click on Insert Table of Contents  option

  • Change the Required Setup
  • Click on Ok Button
Update Table:  Update the table of contents so that all entries refer to the correct page Number.

Footnotes Group:
You can use footnotes and endnotes in documents to explain, comment on, or provide references to something mentioned in a document. Usually, footnotes appear at the bottom of the page and endnotes come at the end of the document or section.

Footnote (Ctrl + Alt +F) : 
Steps :
  • Type the required the Word
  • Click on References Tab
  • Click on Insert Footnote option
  • Type the Footnote Text

Endnote (Ctrl +Alt + D): 
  • Type the required the word
  • Click on references tab
  • Click on Insert Endnote option
  • Type the Endnote Text

Citations & Bibliography Group :

Citation : Insert citation to add book or journal article or report etc..details for the current document.

Steps :
  • Click on Insert citation
  • click on add new source
  • select the type of source(book or report or website etc..)
  • fill the corresponding options
  • click on ok
Mange Source :  To change added citations 

steps :
  • Click on mange source
  • choose the required citation name from master list container 
  • click on edit button
  • change the required details 
  • click on OK
Bibliography : 
Bibliography is used to add inserted editation details at the cursor position.

Steps :   
  • Click on Bibliography 
  • again click on bibliography / work cited .
Cross-Reference :  Cross-reference is used to give the reference for headings,caption,equations etc..

Steps :
  • Position the cursor 
  • click on cross-reference
  • select the reference type
  • click on insert
Index Group :

Mark Entry : Marks the selected text as an index in the current document.

Steps :
  • Select the required text
  • click on mark entry from index group
  • select the current page
  • click on mark & then on close. (You can mark any no.of words to the document).

Insert Index : Insert index is used to insert an index for the marked entries in the current document.

Steps :
  • Click on insert index
  • click on OK