
Microsoft-Word 2007 Study Material Day- Thirteen

Page-layout Tab :

Page Setup Group :

Margins : select the margin sizes for the entire document.

Orientation : Switch the pages between portrait and landscape layouts.

Size : Choose a paper size for the current section.

Columns : Split text into two or more columns.

Breaks : Add page section or column breaks to the document.

Steps :

  • Select cursor position 
  • click on breaks 
  • select appropriate option
Line Number :  Add line number in the margin along side of each line of the document.

Steps :
  • Click on Line Number 
  • Select continuous
Hyphenation : Turn on hyphenation which allows word to break lines between the syllables of word.

Steps :
  • Click on Hyphenation
  • select Automatic
Page Background Group :

Watermark : Insert ghosted text behind the context on the page.

Steps :
  • Click on Watermark
  • Click on custom watermark
  • select text water mark (or) picture water mark
  • Type any Text    (or) Select any picture
  • select Layout --> Click on Apply
  • click on OK
Remove Watermark :
Steps :
  • Click on Watermark
  • Select remove watermark
Page Color : Choose a color for the background of the page.

Page Border's : Add  (or) Change the borders around the page.

Steps :
  • Click on page borders
  • select any line styles ,width and color.
  • Select Art Option
  • select any style 
  • click on Ok

Paragraph Group :

Indent Left: Controls the left boundary for every line in a paragraph.

Indent Right : Controls the right boundary for every line in a paragraph.

Spacing Before : Change the spacing between paragraph by adding space above the selected paragraph.

Spacing After : Change the spacing between paragraph's by adding space above the selected paragraphs.

Arrange Group:

Position : position the selected object on the page.

Text Wrapping : Change the way of text wraps around the selected objects.

Send to Back : Send the selected object behind all other objects.

Bring to Front : Bring the selected object in-front of the all other objects. 

Align : Align the edges of multiple selected objects.

Rotate : Rotate or Flip the selected object.

Group : Group objects together so that they can be treated like a single object.

Un-group : Ungroup the grouped objects.

Re-Group : Re-Group the un-grouped objects.