
Microsoft-Word 2007 Study Material Day - Four

Paragraph Group :

Bullets : -
Text symbols such as small circles (or) check marks used to introduce each piece of information are called Bullets.

Numbering :
A List that sequence items is a numbered list.

Multi-Level List :
Multi-Level list or outline lists combine numbers and letters depending on the organization of the list.

Indents :

Paragraph Dialog Box :

Indent Paragraphs:
Indenting paragraphs allows you set text within a paragraph at different margins.

Decrease Indent: Decrease the indent level of the paragraph.

Increase Indent: Increase the indent level of the paragraph. 

First Line: Controls the left boundary for the first line of a paragraph.

Hanging: Controls the left boundary of every line in a paragraph except the first One.

Left: Controls the left boundary for every line in a paragraph.

Right : Controls the right boundary for every line in a paragraph.

Line Spacing : You can change the space between lines of the text.

Tab’s  Dialog Box:

Keyboard shortcuts for use in paragraph formatting

Key Action
Ctrl+EApplies center alignment.
Ctrl+JApplies justified alignment.
Ctrl+Shift+JSpreads the current paragraph across the entire width between the margins.
Ctrl+MIncreases the indentation of the current paragraph or selected paragraphs to the next tab stop.
Ctrl+Shift+MDecreases the indentation to the preceding tab stop.
Ctrl+QResets the paragraph formatting to the default paragraph formatting of the applied style.
Ctrl+RApplies right alignment.
Ctrl+Shift+SOpens the Apply Styles task pane for applying, creating, or modifying styles and formatting (use Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S to modify a style without applying it to the selection).
Alt+Ctrl+Shift+SOpens the Styles pane.
Ctrl+1Applies single line spacing to the current paragraph or selected paragraphs.
Ctrl+2Applies double spacing to the current paragraph or selected paragraphs.
Ctrl+5Applies 1.5 line spacing to the current paragraph or selected paragraphs.
Ctrl+0Adds or removes additional space before the current paragraph or selected paragraphs.
Shift+F1Shows or hides the formatting properties in the task pane.
F4Redoes the last action performed.