Font Group :

Font (Ctrl + D) : This option is used to change the front face.
Font Size : This option is used to change the font size.
Bold (Ctrl + B) : Make the selected text Bold.
Italic (Ctrl + I) : Italicize the selected text.
Underline ( Ctrl + U ) : Underline the selected text.
Strikethrough : Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
Sub script (Ctrl + = ) : This option is used to converts the selected character into text below line.
Super Script ( Ctrl + + ) : This option is used to convert the selected text into text above line.
Text Highlight Color : Make text look like it was marked with a highlighted Pen.
Font Color : This option is used to change the text color.
Clear Formatting:Clear all the formatting from the selection leaving only the plain Text.
Underline Words ( Ctrl + Shift + W ) : Selected text will get underline for each and every word separately.
Change Case (Shift + F3) : Change all the selected text to Upper Case, Lower Case, and Sentence Case ,Capitalize each word (Title Case) and Toggle Case.
Grow Font : (Ctrl + J) (Or) (Ctrl +Shift + > ) : This option is used to increase the font size.
Shrink Font (Ctrl + [ ) (or) ( Ctrl + Shift + < ) : This option is used to decrease the font size.

Font (Ctrl + D) : This option is used to change the front face.
Font Size : This option is used to change the font size.
Bold (Ctrl + B) : Make the selected text Bold.
Italic (Ctrl + I) : Italicize the selected text.
Underline ( Ctrl + U ) : Underline the selected text.
Strikethrough : Draw a line through the middle of the selected text.
Sub script (Ctrl + = ) : This option is used to converts the selected character into text below line.
Super Script ( Ctrl + + ) : This option is used to convert the selected text into text above line.
Text Highlight Color : Make text look like it was marked with a highlighted Pen.
Font Color : This option is used to change the text color.
Clear Formatting:Clear all the formatting from the selection leaving only the plain Text.
Underline Words ( Ctrl + Shift + W ) : Selected text will get underline for each and every word separately.
Change Case (Shift + F3) : Change all the selected text to Upper Case, Lower Case, and Sentence Case ,Capitalize each word (Title Case) and Toggle Case.
Grow Font : (Ctrl + J) (Or) (Ctrl +Shift + > ) : This option is used to increase the font size.
Shrink Font (Ctrl + [ ) (or) ( Ctrl + Shift + < ) : This option is used to decrease the font size.