
Microsoft-Excel 2007 Study Material Day-Fourty One

Excel Keyboard Shortcuts :

Hide / Unhide Group Shortcut:

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+9 Hide the selected row(s)
CTRL+SHIFT+( Unhide any hidden row(s) within selection
CTRL+0 Hide the selected column(s)
CTRL+SHIFT+) Unhide any hidden column(s) within selection

Navigation shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Description
HOMEMove to the beginning of the Row
CTRL+HOMEMove to the beginning of the Worksheet
CTRL+ENDMove to the bottom-most and right-most used cell in the Worksheet
CTRL+PAGDOWNMove to the Next Sheet in the workbook
CTRL+PAGEUPMove to the Pervious Sheet in the workbook
ALT+PAGEDOWNMove one screen to the Right
ALT+PAGEUPMove one screen to the Left

Selection shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGEDOWNSelect the current sheet and next sheet
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGEUPSelect the current sheet and previous sheet
CTRL+SPACESelect the entire COLUMN
SHIFT+SPACESelect the entire ROW
CTRL+*Select current range
CTRL+SHIFT+O(letter O)Select cells that contain Comments
CTRL+SHIFT+*Select the current region around the active cell
CTRL+ /Select the array containing the active cell
CTRL+]Select all cells that contain formulae that directly reference active cell
CTRL+SHIFT+}Select all cells that contain formulae that directly or indirectly reference active cell.

Date & Time related shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+;Insert current date
CTRL+SHIFT+: (COLON)Insert current time

Number Formatting shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+SHIFT+~General Format the numbers in selected range
CTRL+SHIFT+%Apply Percentage format to numbers in selected range
CTRL+SHIFT+$Apply Currency format to numbers in selected range
CTRL+SHIFT+#Apply date format (dd/mm/yy) to the selected cell(s)
CTRL+SHIFT+^Apply Exponential number format with 2 decimal places to the selection
CTRL+SHIFT+!Apply Number format with 2 decimal places, thousands separator and minus sign for -ve numbers.

General Cell / Range Formatting shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+1Format cells menu
CTRL+SHIFT+&Apply outline border to the selection
CTRL+SHIFT+ _ (underscore)Remove the outline border to the selection
CTRL+5Apply (or remove) Strikethrough format to the selection
CTRL+B OR CTRL+2Apply (or remove) Bold format
CTRL+B OR CTRL+3Apply (or remove) Italic format
CTRL+B OR CTRL+4Apply (or remove) Underline format

Copy data shortcuts:

Shortcut Key
Fill Down
Fill Right
CTRL+, (comma)
Copy formula from cell above to the active cell
CTRL+" (double quotes)
Copy value from cell above to the active cell

Other shortcuts:

Shortcut Key Description
CTRL+KInsert hyperlink menu
CTRL+'(~)Toggle formula view
F4Repeat last action
F11Chart selected data