
Microsoft-Word 2007 Study Material Day- Eleven

Insert Tab :

Link Group :

Hyperlink (Ctrl + K):  Hyperlink is used to create a link between web pages or other areas with in or outside documents.
(Create a link to a webpage a picture and email address or a program) 

Steps :

  • Type the Text
  • Click on Hyperlink 
  • Select link to :You can select where to create a link like
  1. Existing file.
  2. Place in this document.
  3. Create New Document.
  4. Email address.
  • Select the any Text
  • Click on Hyperlink (Existing file)
  • Select any picture or program
  • click on ok
  • Ctrl + Click to follow link
  • click on Yes 
To Remove the Hyperlink
  • Right click on Hyperlink Text
  • Select remove Hyperlink
Bookmark : Create a bookmark to assign a name to a specific point in a document.

Steps :
  • Select the text or item to which you want to assign a bookmark.
  • type the bookmark name.
  • click on add.
Goto a specific bookmark :
  • click on bookmark. 
  • click the name of the bookmark.
  • click on Goto.
 Delete a specific bookmark :
  • click on bookmark 
  • click the name of the bookmark
  • click on delete.
Cross-reference :
cross reference are automatically updated if the content is moved to another location.
                          you can also add cross-reference ti bookmark for example ,after you insert a bookmark in a document you can refer to that bookmark from other places in the text by creating cross-reference to the bookmark.

  • Select cursor position
  • click on cross-reference
  • select reference type ---> select bookmark
  • select bookmark name
  • click on insert 
  • click on close.

Cross -reference  is used to give the reference for heading, caption, equations etc.
  • select the cursor position.
  • click on cross-reference. 
  • select the reference type. 
  • click on insert.