Application are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for recruitment to 2 (Two) posts in group "C" categories to be recruitment in Pay Band -1 Rs 5200-20200/- in Grade Pay Rs.1900/-against Culture Quota on south East Central Railway in the following disciplines for the years 2016-17.
12th(+2 Stage) or its equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate.
[50% marks are not to be insisted upon in case of ST/SC/EX-Serviceman and where candidate possess qualification higher than HSC such as Graduation/Post Graduation.
Act Apprenticeship/ITI.No other qualification including Diploma in Engineering will be accepted an Alternative.
3.Age Limits : Candidates should have attained age of 18 years and should not completed 29 years as on 01.01.2017.The upper age is relaxable by 03 years for candidates beloning to OBC communities.
Mode Of Selection :
i.The Selection process consists of the following for the candidates who apply in response to this notification and are found eligible.
Scale Of Pay : PB-1 5200-20200 + Grade Pay 1900/- RSRP).
How to Apply :
(i) Candidates are required to apply in the enclosed format as at Annex 'A'.The Application should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own hand-writing.One Passport size latest photograph of the candidate should be pasted in the specified space on the application form,duly signed on top by the candidate.
(ii) Two passport size photographs (same as affixed in the application form) duly signed on top by the candidate should also be attached along woth the application form.
(iii) All the copies of the certificates in support of Age,Caste,Educational Qualification and Cultural Qualification i.e Degree/Diploma/Certificate in the relevant disciplines viz.Folk Dance and Drama duly self attested should be enclosed along with the application form.
(iv).Examination Fees :
(i) For all candidates except those mentioned in sub para.
(ii)Below : 500/-(Rupess five Hundred Only).
(ii) For candidates belonging to SC/ST communities,women,Ex serviceman,Minorities{Muslim,Christians,Sikhs,Buddhists and Zoroastrians(Parsis)},
Persons with Disabilities and those belonging to economically backward classes:
250/- (Two Hundred Fifty only) Refundable to those who actually appear in the written examination.
The fee is Payable through Challan on State Bank of India,Main Branch,Bilaspur{(C.G) Branch Code No.0336} against Railway Recruitment Cell/SECR/Bilaspur's Account No.33344526197 through any Branch of State Bank of India[Format of Challan is Available at Annex.
(H) Of This Notification.
Candidates belonging to economically backward classes will mean the candidates whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/- Per annum.The following authorities are authorized to issue income certificates for the purpose of Identifying economically backward classes.
1.District Magistrate or any other Revenue Officer up to the level of Tahsildar.
2.Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons of their own constituency.
3.Union Minister may also recommend for any persons from anywhere in the country.
4.Sitting Members of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for Persons of the district in which these MPs Normally reside.
Note :
BPL card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a recognized poverty alleviation programmer or Izzat MST issued by Railways will also be valid.
The certificate for refund of fee in respect of candidates belonging to economically backward classes who appear in written examination is required to be issued on the letter head of the issuing authority as per the format enclosed as Annexure 'C'.
(v).Serving employees should submit their applications through proper channel as per extant rules.
(vi)More than one application from one candidate for same discipline will not be accepted and all such applications will be summarily rejected.
8.Who to Apply : Application should be addressed to and sent by ordinary post to the Assistant Personnel Officer(Recruitment),Railway Recruitment Cell(RRC),South East Central Railway,R.T.S Colony,Near Kendriya Vidyalaya,Bilaspur(Chhattisgarh)-495004 or Should be dropped in the box provided at Railway Recruitment Cell(RRC),Office,R.T.S Colony,Near Kendriya Vidyalaya Bilaspur,before closing date (upto 18.00 Hrs of 29.08.2016).The envelope containing application should be super-scribed on the top."Employment Notice No.P-HQ/RRC/761/2016-17 Recruitment against Cultural Quota over South East Central Railway".Application received after 18.00 hrs of 29.08.2016.shall not be entertained.
[For Candidates residing in : Assam,Meghalaya,Manipur,Arunachal pradesh,Mizoram,Nagaland,Tripura,Sikkim,Jammu & Kashmir,Lahaul & Spiti Districts and Pangi sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh,Andaman & Nicobar,Lakshadweep IsLands and for candidates residing abroad,the closing date for receipt of application by ordinary post wil be 13.09.2016 upto 18.00 hrs.
9.Enclosures : Candidates should enclose the following documents along with original application.
(i).Xerox copies of all Educational Containing Date of Birth proof and Cultural qualifications duly self attested.
(ii).Xerox copies of all cultural certificates/achievements duly self attested as at Annexure "B".
(iii).Income Certificate as per format at Annexure "C" for economically backward candidates who claim to refund of fees.
(iv).Candidates belonging to schedule castes and schedule Tribes should submit the caste certificate as per format at Annexure "D".
(v).Candidates who belong to OBC category should OBC Caste Certificate in the format as at
Annexure "E".
(vi).OBC candidates should submit Self Declartion of Non-Creamy Status in the format as at
Annexure "F".
(vii).Self Declartion of Minority Community by candidates belonging to Minority community as per format at Annexure 'G'.
(vii)."No Objection Certificate" from competent Authority for the serving employees.
(ix).Disability Certificate for PH candidates issued by a Medical Board duly constituted by central or State Government consisting of at least three members out of which at least one member shall be speciallist in the particular field for assessing locomotor/Cerebral/Visual/Hearing Disability,as the case may be.
(x).Original Copy of Challan for payment of fees at Annexure 'H'.
[Caste certificate in any other format will not be accepted and the application forums with caste certificates in formats other than the prescribed formats will be rejected.
10.General Conditions : The decision of recruitment cell in connection with selection will be final.No correspondence shall be entertained from candidates who are not selected.The Railway administration will not be responsible for any postal delay or wrong delivery.Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.Log on to our web site for updates regarding the recruitment.
11.The applications which suffer from material irregularities such as unsingned,incomplete,illegible,without all enclosures,without examination fee as,prescribed not in prescribed format,without attested copies of certificates/testimonials and the application which in the opinion of Railway Administration are otherwise invalid,shall be rejected without any refund of fees.
This has the approval of competent authority.
For More Information Please visit Official Notification
Application are invited in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for recruitment to 2 (Two) posts in group "C" categories to be recruitment in Pay Band -1 Rs 5200-20200/- in Grade Pay Rs.1900/-against Culture Quota on south East Central Railway in the following disciplines for the years 2016-17.
Sl.No | Disciplines | No.of Post(s) | Essential qualification |
1. | Folk Dance | 01 | Possession of Degree/Diploma Certificate in Folk Dance from Government/any Government recognized institution. |
2. | Drama | 01 | Possession of Degree/Diploma/ Certificates in Drama/Theatre Art/Acting from Government/anyGovernemnt recognized institution. |
12th(+2 Stage) or its equivalent examination with not less than 50% marks in the aggregate.
[50% marks are not to be insisted upon in case of ST/SC/EX-Serviceman and where candidate possess qualification higher than HSC such as Graduation/Post Graduation.
Act Apprenticeship/ITI.No other qualification including Diploma in Engineering will be accepted an Alternative.
3.Age Limits : Candidates should have attained age of 18 years and should not completed 29 years as on 01.01.2017.The upper age is relaxable by 03 years for candidates beloning to OBC communities.
Mode Of Selection :
i.The Selection process consists of the following for the candidates who apply in response to this notification and are found eligible.
(A) |
Written Test :
(Note : The written test will consist of objective type multiple choice questions on general knowledge,arithmetic & Cultural.)
| 50 Marks |
(B) |
Assessment of talent in the relevant field on folk dance for Folk Dance discipline & on Acting for the discipline of Drama.(ii).Testimonials / Prizes etc.(in respective discipline).
| 35 Marks 15 Marks |
Total | 100Marks |
Scale Of Pay : PB-1 5200-20200 + Grade Pay 1900/- RSRP).
How to Apply :
(i) Candidates are required to apply in the enclosed format as at Annex 'A'.The Application should be filled in by the candidate in his/her own hand-writing.One Passport size latest photograph of the candidate should be pasted in the specified space on the application form,duly signed on top by the candidate.
(ii) Two passport size photographs (same as affixed in the application form) duly signed on top by the candidate should also be attached along woth the application form.
(iii) All the copies of the certificates in support of Age,Caste,Educational Qualification and Cultural Qualification i.e Degree/Diploma/Certificate in the relevant disciplines viz.Folk Dance and Drama duly self attested should be enclosed along with the application form.
(iv).Examination Fees :
(i) For all candidates except those mentioned in sub para.
(ii)Below : 500/-(Rupess five Hundred Only).
(ii) For candidates belonging to SC/ST communities,women,Ex serviceman,Minorities{Muslim,Christians,Sikhs,Buddhists and Zoroastrians(Parsis)},
Persons with Disabilities and those belonging to economically backward classes:
250/- (Two Hundred Fifty only) Refundable to those who actually appear in the written examination.
The fee is Payable through Challan on State Bank of India,Main Branch,Bilaspur{(C.G) Branch Code No.0336} against Railway Recruitment Cell/SECR/Bilaspur's Account No.33344526197 through any Branch of State Bank of India[Format of Challan is Available at Annex.
(H) Of This Notification.
Candidates belonging to economically backward classes will mean the candidates whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/- Per annum.The following authorities are authorized to issue income certificates for the purpose of Identifying economically backward classes.
1.District Magistrate or any other Revenue Officer up to the level of Tahsildar.
2.Sitting Member of Parliament of Lok Sabha for persons of their own constituency.
3.Union Minister may also recommend for any persons from anywhere in the country.
4.Sitting Members of Parliament of Rajya Sabha for Persons of the district in which these MPs Normally reside.
Note :
BPL card or any other certificate issued by Central Government under a recognized poverty alleviation programmer or Izzat MST issued by Railways will also be valid.
The certificate for refund of fee in respect of candidates belonging to economically backward classes who appear in written examination is required to be issued on the letter head of the issuing authority as per the format enclosed as Annexure 'C'.
(v).Serving employees should submit their applications through proper channel as per extant rules.
(vi)More than one application from one candidate for same discipline will not be accepted and all such applications will be summarily rejected.
8.Who to Apply : Application should be addressed to and sent by ordinary post to the Assistant Personnel Officer(Recruitment),Railway Recruitment Cell(RRC),South East Central Railway,R.T.S Colony,Near Kendriya Vidyalaya,Bilaspur(Chhattisgarh)-495004 or Should be dropped in the box provided at Railway Recruitment Cell(RRC),Office,R.T.S Colony,Near Kendriya Vidyalaya Bilaspur,before closing date (upto 18.00 Hrs of 29.08.2016).The envelope containing application should be super-scribed on the top."Employment Notice No.P-HQ/RRC/761/2016-17 Recruitment against Cultural Quota over South East Central Railway".Application received after 18.00 hrs of 29.08.2016.shall not be entertained.
[For Candidates residing in : Assam,Meghalaya,Manipur,Arunachal pradesh,Mizoram,Nagaland,Tripura,Sikkim,Jammu & Kashmir,Lahaul & Spiti Districts and Pangi sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh,Andaman & Nicobar,Lakshadweep IsLands and for candidates residing abroad,the closing date for receipt of application by ordinary post wil be 13.09.2016 upto 18.00 hrs.
9.Enclosures : Candidates should enclose the following documents along with original application.
(i).Xerox copies of all Educational Containing Date of Birth proof and Cultural qualifications duly self attested.
(ii).Xerox copies of all cultural certificates/achievements duly self attested as at Annexure "B".
(iii).Income Certificate as per format at Annexure "C" for economically backward candidates who claim to refund of fees.
(iv).Candidates belonging to schedule castes and schedule Tribes should submit the caste certificate as per format at Annexure "D".
(v).Candidates who belong to OBC category should OBC Caste Certificate in the format as at
Annexure "E".
(vi).OBC candidates should submit Self Declartion of Non-Creamy Status in the format as at
Annexure "F".
(vii).Self Declartion of Minority Community by candidates belonging to Minority community as per format at Annexure 'G'.
(vii)."No Objection Certificate" from competent Authority for the serving employees.
(ix).Disability Certificate for PH candidates issued by a Medical Board duly constituted by central or State Government consisting of at least three members out of which at least one member shall be speciallist in the particular field for assessing locomotor/Cerebral/Visual/Hearing Disability,as the case may be.
(x).Original Copy of Challan for payment of fees at Annexure 'H'.
[Caste certificate in any other format will not be accepted and the application forums with caste certificates in formats other than the prescribed formats will be rejected.
10.General Conditions : The decision of recruitment cell in connection with selection will be final.No correspondence shall be entertained from candidates who are not selected.The Railway administration will not be responsible for any postal delay or wrong delivery.Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.Log on to our web site for updates regarding the recruitment.
11.The applications which suffer from material irregularities such as unsingned,incomplete,illegible,without all enclosures,without examination fee as,prescribed not in prescribed format,without attested copies of certificates/testimonials and the application which in the opinion of Railway Administration are otherwise invalid,shall be rejected without any refund of fees.
This has the approval of competent authority.
For More Information Please visit Official Notification