
Ministry of Environments and Forests (moef) Recruitment 2016


It is proposed to fill up the newly created posts listed in the Regional Office,(Norht Central Zone) of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, at Dehradun from amongst officials of Central/ State Government Department & Offices on deputation. The details of the Eligibility conditions for the posts to be filled up on deputation basis & application proforma available at website of the MoEF & CC, Govt.. of India at moef.nic.in or can also be obtained from the North Central Regional Office, Dehradun.

The terms and conditions of the deputation will be governed, as laid down in Govt. of India,
 Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.6/8/2009-Estt.Dated 17.6.2010, as amended from time to time.

The Period of deputation will be initially for a period of one year and likely to extended further. The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization /department of the central government shall not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date prescribed for receipt of application.

Application of officials who are eligible and are willing to be considered for appointment on deputation basis and who can be relieved immediately after selection may be forwarded through proper channel along with their attested copies of ACAR dossiers for the preceding five(5) years and vigilance clearance certificates to the Addl.  PCCF, Regional Office,(North central Zone) of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate change, Pearson Road, FRI Campus, P.O new Forest, Dehradun-248 006.

The complete application form in the prescribed format for deputation posts should reach this office on or before 10.03.2016. 
Applications without the recommendation of the parent department, incomplete application and application received after the prescribed date or without ACR dossiers/vigilance clearance will not be entertained.

Job Specification :  Sl.No : 01 - Principal Private Secretary to APCCF-01:

No. of vacancy 01
Classification General Central service Group 'A' Gazetted Ministerial.
Scale of Pay + Grade Pay RS.15,600-39,000 + GP Rs.6600/-
Eligibility Conditions Any regular officer of CSS holding analogous posts or have rendered at least six years service in the grade of Private secretary in grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-

Job Specification :  Sl.No : 02 - Private Secretary (Sr'PA')-01:

No. of vacancy 01
Classification General Central service Group 'B' Gazetted Ministerial.
Scale of Pay + Grade Pay RS. 9,300-34,800 + GP Rs.4600/-
Eligibility Conditions Officer under Central/ state Governments:
(a)i)Holding analogous post on regular basis or
ii)with three years regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.9,300-34,800 + GP Rs.4200/-(pre revised scale of Rs.5500-9000) or equivalent, or
iii)with six years regulars services in the post in the scale of Rs.9300-34,800+GP Rs.4200/-(Pre revised scale of Rs.5000-8000) or equivalent, or
iv)with eight years regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.5200-20,200 + GP Rs.2800/- or equivalent, or
v)with 13 years regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.5200-20,200 + GP Rs.2400/- equivalent, or
b)Possessing a speed of 100 words per minute in stenography(English/Hindi)

Job Specification :  Sl.No : 03 - Section Officer-01 :

No. of vacancy 01
Classification General Central service Group 'B' Gazetted Ministerial.
Scale of Pay + Grade Pay RS. 9,300-34,800 + GP Rs.4600/-
Eligibility Conditions Any regular officer of CSS holding analogous post or having 8 years regular service in grade of Assistant in Grade Pay of Rs.4200.

Job Specification :  Sl.No : 04 - Assistant-02 :

No. of vacancy 02
Classification General Central service Group 'B' Non-Gazetted Ministerial.
Scale of Pay + Grade Pay RS. 9,300-34,800 + GP Rs.4200/-
Eligibility Conditions Officer under Central/ state Governments:
(a)i)Holding analogous post on regular basis or
ii)with three years regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.9300-34800 + GP Rs.4200/-(pre revised scale of Rs.5000-8000) or equivalent, or
iii)with six years regulars services in the post in the scale of Rs.5200-20200+GP Rs.2800/- or equivalent, or
iv)with 10 years regular service in the post in the scale of Rs.5200-20,200 + GP Rs.2400/- or equivalent, or

Job Specification :  Sl.No : 05 - UDC-01 :

No. of vacancy 01
Classification General Central service Group 'C' Non-Gazetted Ministerial.
Scale of Pay + Grade Pay RS. 5200-20200 + GP Rs.2400/-
Eligibility Conditions Officers of the under Central Government:
(a)i)Holding analogous post on regular basis or
ii)with 8 years regular service in the grade Lower Division Clerk or equivalent

Note:The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization/department of the Central Government shall not ordinarily exceeding three years. The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall be not exceeding fifty six years as on closing date prescribed for receipt of application.

Official Notification