The National Water Development Agency (NWDA), was set up in July 1982 as Autonomous Society under the societies registration act 1860, to carry out the water balance and other studies on a scientific and realistic basis for optimum utilization of water resources of the Peninsular river system for preparation of feasibility reports and thus to give concrete shape to Peninsular river development component of National perspective plan prepared by Central Water Commission and the then Ministry of Irrigation (now MoWR, RD & GR). In the year 1990, NWDA was also entrusted with the task of Himalayan Component of National
Perspective Plan. In 2006, it was decided that NWDA will explore the feasibility of intra-states links and to take up the work for preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) of river link proposals under National Perspective Plan (NPP). The functions of NWDA were further modified vide MoWR resolution dated 19.05.2011 to undertake the work of preparation of DPRs of intra-State links. Recently on 7th Oct, 2016 the functions of NWDA were further modified to undertake implementation of ILR projects and completion of water resources projects under Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana (PMKSY) and to act as a repository of borrowed fund or loan from Banks / other institutions for the execution of projects. National Perspective Plan( NPP) At the time of independence the country had a population of about 400 million and faced severe food crisis. At that time the irrigation potential of the country was only about 20 Mha. After independence massive programme of irrigation was launched for development and utilization of both surface and ground water resources. This resulted in green revolution, which helped to transform the country from the state of food scarcity to food self-sufficiency. Due to these massive efforts, by the year 1979 the irrigation potential of the country could increase to 57 Mha with the use of high yielding varieties possible under irrigation and with increased use of fertilizers. The food production of the country could be increased to about 125 to 130 million tones by the same time. However, rate of increase in food production could just managed to equal the rate of population growth. The water is main input to the agriculture and also an important element for the life of human kind, its optimal utilization is necessary. With a view to harness the water resources of the country optimally, Dr. K.L. Rao, the then irrigation Minister, in the year 1972 had mooted the idea of interlinking of rivers by connecting the Ganga with the Cauvery river. Subsequently, in 1977 Capt. Dastur initiated the concept of a “Garland Canal” around the Himalayan, Central and Peninsular India. The proposals although received very good response from all sectors of communities, but not found techno-economical feasible for implementation.
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