AAI was incorporated by merging International Airports Authority of India and National Airports Authority with the objective to have an integrated development, expansion and modernization of the airports in India of international standards. It is a Schedule ‘A’/ Miniratna (Category-1) CPSE in Transportation Services sector with the administrative jurisdiction of Ministry of Civil Aviation. The Corporate office of the Authority is located at New Delhi. The company emloyed 17432 regular employees(Executives 9630 & Non-executives 7802) as on 31.03.2019. The Authorized and paid up Capital t of AAI is N.A. and Rs.656.56 crores respectively as on 31.01.2019. The shareholding of the Government of India in the AAI is 100%. The applicant must, on the date of application, as well as on the date of interview, be employed in a regular capacity – and not in a contractual/ad-hoc capacity – in one of the followings:- (a) Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) (including a full-time functional Director in the Board of a CPSE); (b) Central Government including the Armed Forces of the Union and All India Services; (c) State Public Sector Enterprise (SPSE) where the annual turnover is *Rs 2000 crore or more; (d) Private Sector in company where the annual turnover is *Rs 2000 crore or more. Preference would be given to candidates from listed companies. (* The average audited annual turnover of three financial years preceding the calendar year in which the post is advertised shall be considered for applying the approved limits)
All applicants should send their applications as per the format . 1. The applicants should submit their applications through proper channel as follows: (a) Government Officers, including those of the Armed Forces of the Union and All India Services: through Cadre Controlling authority; (b) CMDs/MDs/Functional Directors in CPSE: through the concerned Administrative Ministry; (c) Below Board level in CPSE: through the concerned CPSE; (d) CMDs/MDs/Functional Directors in State PSE: through the concerned Administrative Secretary and Cadre Controlling Authority, if any, of the State Government; Eligible Scale of Pay (i) Rs. 7250-8250 (IDA) Pre 01/01/1992 (ii) Rs. 9500-11500 (IDA) Post 01/01/1992 (iii) Rs. 20500-26500 (IDA) Post 01/01/1997 (iv) Rs. 51300-73000 (IDA) Post 01/01/2007 (v) Rs. 120000-280000 (IDA) Post 01.01.2017 (vi) Rs. 18400-22400 (CDA) Pre-revised post 01.01.1996 (vii) Rs. 37400-67000 + GP 10000 (CDA) post 01.01.2006 (viii) Rs. 144200-218200 (Level 14) CDA post 01.01.2016 (e) Below Board level in SPSE: through the concerned SPSE; (f) Private Sector: directly to the PESB. 2. Applicants from Private Sector must submit the following documents along with the application form: (a) Annual Reports of the Company in which currently working for the 3 financial years preceding the calendar year in which the post is advertised (please provide URL or attach/enclose copies ); (b) Whether the company is listed or not; if yes, the documentary proof (please provide URL or attach/enclose copies); (c) Evidence of working at Board level or at least a post of the level immediately below the Board level; (d) Self-attested copies of documents in support of age and qualifications; (e) Relevant Jobs handled in the past with details.