

The National Sugar Institute (NSI) established in 1936, is involved in research, training and advisory services to the sugar and allied industry, and functions under the Department of Food and Public Distribution of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. Located in Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, it provides technical education and training in research in all branches of sugar chemistry, sugar technology, sugar engineering and allied fields. The institute provide assistance to central and state governments in matters relating to sugar and allied industries National Sugar Institute has a very old history lying its root in way back in 1920. The climatic Condition and the area under cultivation encouraged the British Indian Government to promote the Sugar Industry in India which further resulted in the formation of Indian Sugar Committee. The said committee recommended for an All India Institute for research in the field of Sugarcane and Sugar production in 1920 which was further commended by the Royal Commission in 1928 & tariff board in 1930. On the basis of the above recommendations, the Government of India took over the Sugar Section of the HARCOURT BUTLER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, Kanpur and established the IMPERIAL INSTITUTE OF SUGAR TECHNOLOGY, Kanpur in October, 1936. The Imperial Institute of Sugar Technology was placed under the administrative control of the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research located in the campus of HBTI, Kanpur. Upon the formation of Indian Central Sugarcane Committee in 1944 the administrative control of the Imperial Institute of Sugar Technology was transferred to the said Committee. Consequent upon India's attaining independence in 1947, the name of the institute was changed from Imperial Institute of Sugar Technology to Indian Institute of Sugar Technology (I.I.S.T.). With the formation of the Development Council for Sugar Industry under the provisions of the Industries (Development and Regulation ) Act, 1951, the functions of the Indian Central Sugarcane Committee were abridged with effect from 1 January 1954 and the administrative control of the Institute was transferred to the Government of India, under Ministry of Food & Agriculture. In April, 1957, the name of the Institute was again changed to National Sugar Institute (N.S.I.). The Institute shifted from the campus of HBTI, Kanpur to its own campus at Kalyanpur, Kanpur in 1963 and as of now it is only sugar institute in Asia.

Job Descriptions

Post Name Remuneration Number of posts Essential Qualification age limit
Name of the post and category must be clearly superscripted /written on the top of the application. Submission of faIse/incorrect/incomplete information and/or dubious/bogus document shall disqualify the candidate. in the exert of any information being false/incorrect and/or any document being found dubious/hogus end/or ineligibility being detected at the point 0ftime either before or after selection, candidature will stand automatically cancelled. The candidate should fill up all the columns in the application and affix his/her recent passport size photograph ( not more than three months old) signed partially on the photograph and partially on the application. The application should be duly signed by the candidate. The applications should be addressed to Director, National Sugar Institute, Kalyanpun Kanpur (U F) 208017 by Registered post/ Speed post. Copies of all documents regarding Date of Birth pmofi Educational Qualifieatinnt Mark sheet. caste certificate“ Domicile Certificate. marriage cenificate If married etc duly attested should be enclosed with the application. Candidate should enclose attested copy of date hf birth (School Leaving/bhth Certificate/Matriculation Certificate) Educational Certificate etcl Cast: Certificate (ifapplicable) as per Covt. oflndia format and not state Govt. format Candidate should also enclose attested copy 01" Domicile Certificate 0fthese of their respective State issued by Tehsildar/Sub District Magistrate/District Magistrate, Person working in CentraI/State Govt. ,tPSU must apply through proper channel ehcttmng certificate from their establishiment that NO DlSlPLlNARY ACTION CONTEMPLATED/PENDING against them and they have no objection in releasing them in case of selection. No Objection Certificate Should he in ORJGINAL. N0 TA/DA admissible tio the candidate for appearing in the written test/interview. Merit 0f candidates will be decided on the basis of total marks scored in the written examination subject to the qualifying in the Skill TesL’Trade Test as per applicability. Failure in the Skill Test/Trade Test shalt be the failure in the examination.(litendra Singh} Asstt. Prof. OfSugar Technolegy 8: SeniorAdministrative Officer Post applied for m BIO — DATA PROFORMA nu-II.langu-nu-u..-u-uqa-nogcanuuounau-u Name and address (in block letters) Telephone No: & Email Date of birth (in Christian era) Date of retirement under Central / State Government rules. Educational Qualifications Whether educational and other qualifications required for the post are satisfiedtlf any qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules; state the authority for the same). Qualifications/Experience required Qualifications/Experience possessed by the Officer Essential 6) (ii) (iii) Please state clearly whether in the light of the entries made by you above, you meet the requirements of the post. Details of employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient:- Office/ Post held and From To Scale of pay Nature of institution service cadre classification duties to which it (Group) of belongs post 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) L e 8. Nature ofpresent post held Whether held on 9. (i) Ad-hoc basis: (ii) Regular/ or temporary basis: (iii) Permanent or quasi— permanent Hash): (iv) Basis pay drawn at present: In case the present employment is held on deputation/ contract basis; please state: (a) The date of initial appointment: (b) Period ofappointment on deputation/ contract: (0) Name of the parent office/ organization you belong to: 10. Additional details about present employment. Please state whether working under:— a) Central Government b) State Government c) Union Territory (1) University 6) Recognized Research Institution 0 Statutory or Autonomous Organization g) Statutory or Autonomous Organization 11. Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, give the date from which the revision took place and also indicate the pre—revised scale. 12. Total emoluments per month now drawn: 13. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient. 14. Whether belongs to SC/ST? 15. Remarks Signature of the candidate Address ............................................ Date: Counters gned ........................ ( Employer)

Start Date :26-7-2019

End date :26-9-2019

Official Notification

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