

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare (formerly Ministry of Agriculture), a branch of the Government of India, is the apex body for formulation and administration of the rules and regulations and laws related to agriculture in India. The three broad areas of scope for the Ministry are agriculture, food processing and co-operation. The agriculture ministry is headed by Minister of Agriculture Narendra Singh Tomar. Abhishek Singh Chauhan, Krishna Raj and Parsottambhai Rupala are the Ministers of State.One post of Deputy Director (Accounts) in the pay scale of Rs. 1 5600-39100 (PB-3) + Grade Pay of Rs.6600/- (Level 11 in Pay Matrix recommended by 7th CPC), General Central Service, Group 'A', Gazetted, Non-Ministerial in Directorate of Extension, Pusa, New Delhi is proposed to be filled up by Composite method [Deputation (lncluding shortterm contract) plus promotion] from amongst the officers under the Central Government or State Governments or Union-tenitory Administration or Universities or Recognized Research lnstitutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi-Government or Autonomous or Statutory Organisations

Job Descriptions

Post Name Remuneration Number of posts Essential Qualification age limit
Deputy Director (Accounts) Rs. 1 5600-39100 1 Degree from a recognized University or lnstitute56
Duties attached to the post of Deputy Director (Accounts) are as under:
1. Overall supervision of the Accounts and other financial matters of DoE 2. Preparation of Budget Estimates, Revised Estimates and surrender savings 3. GPF AdvancesANithdrawal, all other advances. 4. Medical claims, grant-in-aid bills. 5. Utilization Certificate and Audit Reports 5. Offlcers selected will have the option to draw his grade pay plus deputation(duty) allowance or to have his pay fixed in the scale of pay of the post in accordance with the Department of personnel and Training's O.M. No.6/B/2009-Estt.(Pay ll) dated 17th June 2010, as amended from time to time. 6. Applications of interested and eligible officers, who could be spared in the event of their selection, may be sent, through proper channel, in the enclosed proforma (in Septuplicate/set of seven copies) along with the documents mentioned below so as to reach,,smt. D.Ponni, Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia, Room No. 17, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi within 603@y9 from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News/Rojgar Samachar. While forwardinq the applications, the spon sorinq orqa nizations should verifv and certifu that the padiculars furnished bv the applicant are correct. The Certification shall be done Emplover/Cadre controllinq officer not below the rank of Deputv Secretaru/Director to the Govt. of lndia at the last pa No. 5 of Bio-da (Contd..3/-*) bY ta Performa

Start Date :24-5-2019

End date :24-7-2019

Official Notification

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