Central University of Gujarat (CUG) invites online applications in the prescribed format from eligible Indian nationals for appointment by direct recruitment for following ‘Group-A’ posts. Printout of Online Application in ONE set with all necessary self-attested copy of testimonials, certificates, and documents should be submitted by the eligible candidates to the Central University of Gujarat. Following are the important dates for application
Job Descriptions
Sr. No | Name of Post | Group | No. of Posts | Pay Range |
1 | Registrar* | A | 1 | 144200 - 218200 |
2 | Finance Officer | A | 1 | 144200 - 218200 |
3 | Controller of Examination | A | 1 | 144200 - 218200 |
4 | Librarian | A | 1 | 144200 - 218200 |
5 | Deputy Librarian | A | 1 | 79800 - 211500 |
6 | Internal Audit Officer | A | 1 | 78800-209200 |
7 | Assistant Registrar | A | 2 | 56100 - 177500 |
8 | Assistant Librarian | A | 1 | 57700 - 182400 |
9 | Executive Engineer | A | 1 | 67700 - 208700 |
9 | Information Scientist | A | 1 | 56100 - 177500 |
10 | System Analyst | A | 1 | 56100 - 177500 |
1. Only online applications with required uploaded enclosures will be accepted. Applicants should send ONE hard copy of the application on or before 23/08/2019 till 5:30 p.m. along with all selfattested testimonials, certificates and all supporting documents wherever required or else the application will not be considered. Applicants must produce original testimonials, certificates and other documents at the time of interview, if called. 2. The applicants must ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility conditions for the post applied for. 3. The Last Date for receipt of Online Application is fixed as 08/08/2019 till 5:30 p.m. 4. The Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on last date for submission of application. No updating of qualification and experience will be entertained after the last date. 5. Candidates who desire to apply for more than one post will be required to submit separate online applications on the prescribed format along with all the specified supporting documents and additional application processing fee along with each application. 6. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any delay due to other unforeseen events or circumstances. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage. 7. Incomplete application in any respect will not be considered. 8. Candidates who have been awarded Ph.D. from foreign University should enclose “Equivalence Certificates” issued by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. Without which their candidature will not be considered and application will be summarily rejected. 9. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have obtained their Master‘s Degree prior to19 September, 1991. 10. The University shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by candidates at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidates have undesirable clandestine antecedents/background and have suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be liable to be terminated. 11. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates. 12. The reservations/relaxations policy for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS Candidates will be provided as per the existing Govt. of India/UGC policy.
1. Only online applications with required uploaded enclosures will be accepted. Applicants should send ONE hard copy of the application on or before 23/08/2019 till 5:30 p.m. along with all selfattested testimonials, certificates and all supporting documents wherever required or else the application will not be considered. Applicants must produce original testimonials, certificates and other documents at the time of interview, if called. 2. The applicants must ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility conditions for the post applied for. 3. The Last Date for receipt of Online Application is fixed as 08/08/2019 till 5:30 p.m. 4. The Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on last date for submission of application. No updating of qualification and experience will be entertained after the last date. 5. Candidates who desire to apply for more than one post will be required to submit separate online applications on the prescribed format along with all the specified supporting documents and additional application processing fee along with each application. 6. Applicants are advised to submit the applications to the University well in advance without waiting for the last date to avoid postal delay or any delay due to other unforeseen events or circumstances. The University will not be responsible for any postal delay at any stage. 7. Incomplete application in any respect will not be considered. 8. Candidates who have been awarded Ph.D. from foreign University should enclose “Equivalence Certificates” issued by the Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. Without which their candidature will not be considered and application will be summarily rejected. 9. A relaxation of 5% shall be provided, (from 55% to 50% of the marks) to the Ph.D. Degree holders who have obtained their Master‘s Degree prior to19 September, 1991. 10. The University shall verify the antecedents and documents submitted by candidates at any time, at the time of appointment or during the tenure of service. In case it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates are fake or the candidates have undesirable clandestine antecedents/background and have suppressed the said information, his/her services shall be liable to be terminated. 11. In case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection which may be detected at any stage even after the issuance of appointment letter, the University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the candidates. 12. The reservations/relaxations policy for SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/EWS Candidates will be provided as per the existing Govt. of India/UGC policy.