The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) is a department of the government of Tamil Nadu that is responsible for governing the recruitment of personnel into the state's public service. It is the successor of the Madras Service Commission, which came into being under an Act of the Madras Legislature in 1929 and was the first Provincial Public Service Commission in India. It adopted its current name in 1970. TNPSC operates under Articles 315 to 323
Job Descriptions
Post Name | Remuneration | Number of posts | Essential Qualification | age limit |
Assistant Training Officer (Stenography-English) | 35,900-1,13,500 | 12 | Must have been declared eligible for College course of Study; (PUC/ HSC/ SSC Passed) | 35 |
Assistant Training Officer (Secretarial Practice) | 35,900-1,13,500 | 1 | A Diploma in Commercial practice with Shorthand as elective subject of the State Board of Technical Education and Training, Tamil Nadu or any other recognised Institution or Board. | 35 |