The Indo-Tibetan Border Police is one of the seven Central Armed Police Forces of India, raised on 24 October 1962, under the CRPF Act, in the wake of the Sino-Indian War of 1962. The ITBP was intended for deployment along India's border with TibetThe Indo-Tibetan Border Police is one of the seven Central Armed Police Forces of India, raised on 24 October 1962, under the CRPF Act, in the wake of the Sino-Indian War of 1962. The ITBP was intended for deployment along India's border with Tibet
Job Descriptions
Post Name | Age Limit | Remuneration | Number of posts | Essential Qualification |
CONSTABLE | 23 | 21,700-69,100 | 121 | Candidates should have Matriculation or its equivalent from a recognized board |