Edit Menu:
Undo (Ctrl +Z): Press Ctrl+Z until you've fixed your mistake.
Repart (Ctrl + Y): To redo something you've undone, press Ctrl+Y.
Cut (Ctrl + X): This option is used to cut the selected information.
Copy (Ctrl + C): This option is used to copy the selected information.
Paste (Ctrl + V): This option is used to paste the cut information (or) Copied information at specified position.
Clear Selection (Del): This option is used to clear or delete the selected paint.
Select All (Ctrl+A): This option is used to select all the paint of the file.
Copy to: This option is used to copy the selected paint into another file.
Paste From: This option is used to Paste the other paint files.
Undo (Ctrl +Z): Press Ctrl+Z until you've fixed your mistake.
Repart (Ctrl + Y): To redo something you've undone, press Ctrl+Y.
Cut (Ctrl + X): This option is used to cut the selected information.
Copy (Ctrl + C): This option is used to copy the selected information.
Paste (Ctrl + V): This option is used to paste the cut information (or) Copied information at specified position.
Clear Selection (Del): This option is used to clear or delete the selected paint.
Select All (Ctrl+A): This option is used to select all the paint of the file.
Copy to: This option is used to copy the selected paint into another file.
Paste From: This option is used to Paste the other paint files.
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