
Microsoft-Excel 2007 Study Material Day-Thirty Three

Outline Group :
you can create an outline of up to eight levels, one for each group. Each inner level, represented by a higher number in the outline symbols displays detail data for the preceding outer level, represented by a lower number in the outline symbols. Use an outline to quickly display summary rows or columns, or to reveal the detail data for each group.

Sub Total : You can automatically calculate subtotals and grand totals in a list for a column by using the sub total.

Example :

Steps :
Adding the Sub total :
  • Select list range
  • Click on Subtotal
  • Choose the Options (At each Change in  : Region,Use function : Sum,Add Subtotal to : Sales)
  • Click on OK button
To Remove the Sub Total :
  • Click on sub total
  • Click on Remove all
  • Click on OK button