
Microsoft-Excel 2007 Study Material Day- Three

Home Tab :
Clipboard Group :

Cut (Ctrl + X ) : Remove the highlighted text and places it on the clipboard.
Steps :

  • Select the text
  • click on cut option
Copy ( Ctrl + C) : Copies highlighted text and places it on the clipboard.
Steps :
  • Select the text
  • click on copy
Paste (Ctrl + V ) : Places text from the clipboard in to your workbook.
Steps :
  • Select the text
  • click on copy/cut 
  • select cursor position 
  • click on paste
Paste Special ( Ctrl + Alt + V ) :

To pick an option, press the underlined letter for that option. For example, press the letter C to pick the Comments option.

Pick this option
To Keyboard shortcut
Paste all cell contents and formatting.
Press A
Paste only the formulas as entered in the formula bar.
Press F
Paste only the values (not the formulas).
Press V
Paste only the copied formatting.
Press T
Paste only comments attached to the cell.
Press C
Paste only the data validation settings from copied cells.
Press N
All using Source theme
Paste all cell contents and formatting from copied cells.
Press H
All except borders
Paste all cell contents without borders.
Press X
Column widths
Paste only column widths from copied cells.
Press W
Formulas and number formats
Paste only formulas and number formats from copied cells.
Press R
Values and number formats
Paste only the values (not formulas) and number formats from copied cells.
Press U

Format Painter : 

Copy formatting from one place and applied it to another.
Steps :

  • Select the Text with the formatting you want to copy.
  • Copy the format of the text by clicking the format painter button on the clipboard.
  • Apply the copied format by selecting the cell.