
Microsoft-Excel 2007 Study Material Day- Sixteen

Page Layout Tab :
Page Setup Group:

Margins : Select the margin sizes for the entire document or the current selection.

Orientation : Switch the pages between portrait and landscape layouts.

Size : Choose a paper size for the current section. To apply a specific paper size to all sections of the document, click on More Paper Sizes .

Print Area : Mark a specific area of the sheet for printing.

Steps :

  • Select the area to be printed
  • Click on Print Area
  • Select Set Print Area
Breaks : Specify where a new page will begin in the printed copy. Page breaks are inserted above and to the left of the selection.

Steps :

  • Select Row
  • Click on Breaks
  • Select Insert page Break
Background : Choose an image to display as the background of a sheet.

Steps :

  • Click on Background
  • Select any Image
  • Click on OK button

Print Titles : Specify rows and columns to repeat on each printed page.


  • Click on rows to repeat 
  • Click on column repeat 
  • Click on print titles
  • Select page 
  • Select Orientation(Portrait /Landscape)
  • Select Paper Size
  • Select Margins
  • Select Header / Footer
  • Click on custom header (type header message) 
  • Click on OK button
  • Click on custom footer (type footer message)
  • Click on OK button
  • Select Sheet
  • Click on Grid-lines
  • Click on Print Preview
  • Click on Close print Preview

Diagonal Arrow: Click on the arrow in the bottom right corner of Page Setup to see the Page Setup dialog box (Page tab selected, three other tabs are available).