
Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India(TRAI) Recruitment of Deputy Advisor and Senior Research Officer


Advt.No:  1-10/2016-A and P

Calling the application for filling up the posts of Advisor, Deputy Advisor and senior Research Officer in TRAI (HQ), New Delhi on deputation on foreign service terms.

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI), New Delhi, is a statutory body set up under an Act of parliament viz. the TRAI Act, 1997. TRAI has been established to regulate the Telecommunications service and to protect the interest of service provider and consumers of the telecom sector, to promote and ensure orderly growth of the telecom sector and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The functions relating to regulation of Broadcasting and Cable Service Sectors have also been entrusted to TRAI from 2004.

The organization proposes to fill up the post of Advisor (Economics Analysis) and Deputy Advisor/SRO in the field of Telecom/Broadcasting, Finance/Economics Analysis, Public relations/Media Management, General Administration, HR/Training in its headquarter at New Delhi on deputation on foreign service terms, initially for a period of two years. The details of qualification and experience etc., are as under:

Name of the PostScale of Pay/Pay BandEligibility criteria(+)Qualification
Advisor (Economic Analysis)Pay Band-4, Rs.37400-67000 plus Grade Pay Rs.10,000/- plus allowance such as DA, HRA, etc as per Govt. Rules.Officer of the central Govt., Central Public Sector Undertaking and Statutory and Autonomous Bodies .
(i)holding equivalent post OR
(ii)Officers in Selection Grade with four years of regular service in that grade OR
(iii)Group 'A' officer having seventeen years of regular service in Group'A' of which at least four years of regular service shall be in the selection Grade.
Essential:Degree from a recognized university or equivalent in the field of Accountancy, Commerce, Finance, Economics, Science, Humanities, Law, Management or Consumer Affairs and telecommunications, Engineering.
Desirable Experience/Qualification: Graduation /Post/Graduation in Economics /Statistics and /or possessing working knowledge of Econometric modeling, use of statistical tools for use in economics regulations, regulatory cost analysis and tariffi issues.
Deputy AdvisorPB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.7600/- plus allowance such as DA, HRA, etc as per Govt. Rules.Officers of the central Govt. central public Sector undertaking and Statutory and Autonomous Bodies:
(i) holding equivalent post on regular basis OR
(ii)Officer in Senior Time Scale with 4 years of regular service in that grade.
Essential:Degree from a recognized university or equivalent in the field of Accountancy, Commerce, Finance, Economics, Science, Humanities, Law, Management or Consumer Affairs and telecommunications, Engineering.
Desirable Experience/Qualification: Work experience in the following areas:
  • Telecom/Broadcasting,
  • Finance/Economics Analysis,
  • Public Relations/Media Management,
  • General Administration,
  • Human Relations/Training
Senior Research OfficerPB-3 Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.6600/- plus allowance such as DA, HRA, etc as per Govt. Rules.Officers of the central Govt. central public Sector undertaking and Statutory and Autonomous Bodies:
(i) holding equivalent post on regular basis OR
(ii)Officer in Junior Time Scale with 4 years of regular service in that grade OR 7 years of regular service in the grade of section Officer OR any other equivalent or higher grade. The officer must possess the working knowledge of computer.
Essential:Degree from a recognized university or equivalent in the field of Accountancy, Commerce, Finance, Economics, Science, Humanities, Law, Management or Consumer Affairs and Telecommunications, Engineering.
Desirable Experience/Qualification: Work experience in the following areas:
  • Telecom/Broadcasting,
  • Finance/Economics Analysis,
  • Public Relations/Media Management,
  • General Administration,
  • Human Relations/Training

(+)Age not to exceed 56 years on the dates of closure of application.

All the Ministries/departments including officer from the Armed Forces, Central Public Sector undertakings and Statutory and Autonomous Bodies are requested to forward applications in the prescribed proforma (can be downloaded from TRAI's website www.trai.gov.in) along with attested copies of ACRs/APARs for the last five years and vigilance/disciplinary clearance of eligible candidates whose services could be placed at the disposal of the Authority immediately in the event of their selection. The application should be sent in an envelope superscribing the post applied for to the Senior Research Officer(A and P),Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Mahanagar Door Sanchar Bhawan, J.I. Nehru Marg (Old Minto Road), Next to Zakir Husssain college, New Delhi-110002 on or before 31st August, 2016.

For more information visit official Notification.
Official Notification