Company Name : Central Research Institute.
Central Research Institute,Kasauli invites applications from willing and eligible officers for filling up of following vacant posts on deputation(including short term contract) basis at Central Research Institute Kasauli,Eligible persons may apply within 45 days from the date of advertisement in Employment New Paper.
Name and Scale of Posts
Sr.No | Name of the Post | Scale | Number of Posts |
1 | Specialist Gr.I(Microbiology) | Pay Band-4 (Rs.37,400-67,000) + Rs.8700 Grade Pay | 1 |
2 | Specialist Gr.II(Microbiology) | Pay Band-3(Rs.15,600-39,100) + Rs.7600 Grade Pay | 1 |
3 | Specialist Gr.III(Microbiology) | Pay Band-3(Rs.15,600-39,100)+Rs.6600 Grade Pay | 3 |
Qualification and Experience :
(a) For Deputation :
Officers holding analogous post under Central Government (Including Ministries of Railways and Defence) of state of Government or Union Territories on regular basis and having completed period of probation Satisfactory.
(b) For Short Term Contract :
Officers holding analogous post under under the statutory bodies,autonomous bodies,semi-government organization,universities or recognized research Institute under Central/ State Government on Regular basis and having completed period of probation Satisfactory.
(c) Candidates should also possess a recognized MBBS degree qualification include in the First Schedule or second schedule pr Part II of the Third Schedule(Other than Licentiate Qualifications ) to the Indian Medical Council Act,1956(102 of 1956).Holder of educational Qualification include in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub section(3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act.1956(102 of 1956).
(d) Recognized post Graduate degree or diploma in the concerned specialty or super specialty mentioned section-A or Section-B In Schedule-VI to CHS Rules,2014 i.e Doctor of Medicine (Bacteriology) or Doctor of Medicine(Microbiology) or Master of science(Medical Microbiology) or Doctor of Philosophy(Med,Bacteriology) or Master of Science(Medical Bacteriology) with Doctor of Science(Medical Bacteriology) or Master of Science(Medical Microbiology) with Doctor of Philosophy(Medical Microbiology) or Master of Science(Medial Microbiology) with Doctor of Science(Medical Microbiology) or Diploma in Bacteriology or Diploma in pathology and Bacteriology.
(e) Three years Experience in Concerned Specialty or Super Specialty after obtaining the first post Graduate degree or five years experience after the Post-Graduate Diploma in case of appointment as specialist Gr.III(pay band-3(Rs.15,600-39,1000) + Rs.6600 Grade Pay.
(f) Five years experience in concerned specialty or super special try after obtaining the first post Graduate degree or Seven years experience after obtaining the first post-Graduate diploma in the case of appointment as specialist Gr.II(Pay Band-3(Rs.15,600-39,100) + Rs.7600 Grade Pay).
(g) Twelve Years standing in profession,out of the which 08 years experience in the concerned specialty with practical and administrative experience in the case of appointment as specialist Gr.I(Pay Band-4(Rs.37,400-67,000) + Rs.8700 Grade Pay).
Period of Deputation : The period of deputation and contract shall be for a period not exceeding three years,which may in special circumstances,be extended in any case not beyond five years,as the Government May think fit.
Document Required :
(i) Application in prescribed proforma.
(ii) A Certificate to the effect that state Government/Union Territory or the parent department/Organization has "No Objection" to the appointment of the officer concerned under CHS on Deputation.
(iii) Attested copies of the ACRs/APARs of the applicant for the last five years.
(iv) A certificate about the integrity of the officer recommended for appointment on deputation under CHS.
(v) Vigilance clearance in respect of applicant duly signed by an officer of the appropriate status.
(vi) Certificate of Major/ Minor penalty imposed if any of the officer during the last ten years/service period whichever is less.
Time-Limit for submission for Application :
The application should reach to Director Central Research Institute Kasauli Distt-solan(Himachal Pradesh)-173204.Within Forty-five days of the date of publication of advertisement.
Incomplete applications(s)/ received without above-mentioned documents will be summarily rejected.In case application along with the requisite documents is not received within the stipulated time,it would be presumed that the parent organization is not in favor of appointment of the applicant on deputation.The ministry will not be responsible for collection of the mentioned documents.
Davp Notification |