Company Name :ANDHRA BANK
Jana Chetana Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling Trustestablished by Andhra Bank invites applications for the post of “Counselor” for their -------------centre/s from prospective candidates. The appointment shall be purely on contract basis for a period of 2 years.The job involves creating financial awareness and educate common people on management of money, importance of savings, other facilities extended by the banks, benefits of borrowings from the banks and other finance related aspects.
Eligibility: Retired bank officer not below Scale-II either under VRS or on superannuation. Age should not exceed 62 years as on date of appointment. Physically active and of sound health. Should have aptitude for counseling and rural development activities with good communication skills.
Remuneration: Consolidated Monthly Pay: Rs. 20,000/-
Interested Candidates may apply in the prescribed format placed on the website: Last date for receipt of applications is ------------ Filled in applications may be sent to the following address along with the enclosures/copies of:
- Pass certificate of 10th class/SSC or equivalent
- Certificate of Degree/PG etc.,
- photocopies of testimonials along with passport size photograph
- proof of residential address/Aadhaar. Residents of the District will be preferred.
The eligible candidates shall be called for interview. Canvassing of any nature shall be a disqualification.
Official Notification