
National Institute Of Research On Jute & Allied Fibre Technology(NIRJAFT) Recruitment 2016


Adversities No.: I/2016/ICAR-NIRJAFT

Application are invited for filling up the following Administration posts at ICAR-NIRJAFT under the Administrative control of Indian Council of Agricultural Research:

Name of the post
Lower Division clerk
Scale of Pay
PB-I (Rs.5200-20200/-)+ G.P. Rs.1900
No. of vacancies reservation position
Essential Qualification
12th or equivalent qualification from a recognized board or University. A typing speed of 35 w.p.m in English or 30 w.p.m in Hindi on computer.
Age Limit
18-27 Years. Age relaxation is applicable to SC/ST/OBC/PH/EX-SM Candidate as permissible under the extant Govt. of India rules.

The Vacancies position are tentative and likely to increase/decrease.

General Instructions For Candidates
  1. Crucial date determining the age limit and qualification in each case shall be the closing date of receipt of the application.
  2. The Maximum age limit for Council's employees will be relax able up to 45 years.
  3. These posts are Non-Government under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, which will be governed by the New pension Scheme introduced by Govt. of India w.e.f 01.01.2004 mutatis and mutandis and as amended clarified or modified from time to time.
  4. These posts are temporary but likely to continue and transferable to anywhere in India. Initial posting of the selected candidate will be made at ICAR-NIRJAFT, Kolkata. However, he/she will be liable to serve anywhere in India.
  5. Persons already in Employment should rout their application through proper channel only. In case a candidate anticipates any delay in forwarding of his/her application through proper channel, he/she must send an advance copy of the application which must reach this office on or before closing date, but at the same time, he/she may ensure that the original application is forwarded by their employer and must reach to this office within 15 days after the last date of receipt of application form failing which his/her Candidate shall not be considered and no correspondence to this effect shall be entertained.
  6. The qualification prescribed is the minimum required for the post and enhanced qualification does not entitle candidate to be called for written/aptitude test.
  7. Application must be addressed to Director, ICAR-National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology, 12 Regent park, Kolkata-700040, West Bengal only in proforma appended strictly typed in A4 size paper/handwritten accompanied by one latest passport size photograph along with self-attested copies of supporting denouements of educational qualification, age, mark-sheets, up-to-date caste certificates failing which the same will not be considered. Application not in the prescribed format or incomplete or defective unsigned shall be summarily rejected. Application proforma are available on the Institute website www.nirjaft.res.in.
  8. Application form must accompany with a Bank Draft of Rs.300/- in favour of ICAR-NIRJAFT to be drawn on SBI Tollygunge Branch, Kolkata, No other means of payment will be accepted and such of the application will be rejected outright. The date of Bank draft should not be earlier than the date of issue of the advertisement and the same should be valid for a period of three months. Candidate must write his/her name on the Bank Draft. SC/ST/PH/Women candidate are exempted from the application fee subject to submission of prescribed certificate.
  9. Last date receipt of the is 30 days from the date of publication of Advt. in the Employment News.
  10. Application received after expiry of the last date will not be considered and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
Subjects & Timing of Examination 
Paper/Sections Subject Maximum Marks/Questions Total Duration/Timing for Candidates
I General Intelligence 50 2 Hours
Additional 20 minutes will be given to VH candidates.
II English Language 50
III Numerical Aptitude 50
IV General Awareness 50